Ugly American

CRank: 5Score: 18310

I didn't even notice there was a problem with my Rock Band guitar, because I was enjoying the wireless freedom of my GH3 guitar WITH Rock Band. I plugged in the Rock Band version, and it works... except for the "overdrive" tilting thingee... it works 90% of the time. I have three guitars now, GH2, GH3, and Rock Band, so it shouldn't be a real issue when I send the Rock Band one in.

I am still glad I bought this game.

6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is ridiculous for ANYBODY to think that EA has no impact on a console.

The only reason the PS2 has done so well is the sports game. Football, Basketball, Hockey... and guess who makes most of those games?


Guess who WANTS to come to the PS3 and play those games? All of those PS2 owners. I have a hard time seeing them doing that if the vicious cycle of crappy ports, boycotting, more crappy ports, and more boycotting continues.

6150d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I am France, I surrender... and continue to run my country with those ideals until it happens again.

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am pretty disappointed with this demo. It was pretty boring. Run a little. Shoot a little. Hide and shoot a little. The graphics were okay, not what I was expecting. I just expected this game to blow my socks off, and I eventually got bored and went back to Call of Duty 4.

I know that I am setting myself up to get flamed here, but I can't be the only one. Uncharted has gone from a must buy to an eventual rental. This is just my opinion.

6163d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Covenant, appreciate the sanity check. I was hoping that I wasn't losing my mind.

6167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you think you know me? As an officer for over 12 years in the Navy and a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, I think I have a pretty decent grasp on the "compelexities of this world." I have actually circumvented the globe and spent time in the dark, scary, and "dangerous" parts of it. If you think you have something to contribute to my perspective, please, lay it on me. Otherwise, shut the hell up about my "superior officers"(we like to call them senior, since t...

6167d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't possibly see you, or most of the other people who have posted here, getting ANY dumber.
It was an interesting article on assymetric warfare. What he is talking about is no different than the American colonies adopting guirella tactics (terrorist tactics) during the American Revolution.

A weaker opponent has to find a way to hurt his enemy.

So whoever was bemoaning the downfall of society because of this article, go back to school. Your atroci...

6168d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are the SAME amount of immature jerks on the PSN that are on XBL. The only difference is that the amount of people with headsets on PSN is less. When they have them AND are talking, it is obvious they are the same kind of people. Since the 360 COMES with a headset and PS3 owners(such as myself) have to go out and purchase a USB headset or a Bluetooth headset. Thus the perceived difference.

If it makes you feel better, I won't click your disagree button or try and take...

6170d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The Internet Commission of Standards and Balances" is not a real organization. And the site is still up. Ridiculous.

6171d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not sure why a Venn diagram is a smear. It just shows what each of the models has. If you feel like the lack of backwards compatibility is a smear, then....

6181d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ummm, just the other day, I saw over 1 million on. I was surprised, because I thought the surge had come and gone as well. Now I typically see around 500,000, and OFF PEAK I see 200,000.

Don't get fired up if someone disagrees with you, because your numbers are NOT hard. Unless you are hanging out online 24 hours a day, there is no way possible for your numbers to be HARD.

So the only "crybaby" as you so eloquently put it, is you... welcome to it...

6181d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I loved Bionic Commando on the NES. That is enough to make me want to play this. The swinging does look like Spider Man, but I imagine you won't see him crawling on a wall... and the story won't be ripped out of a movie. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

6186d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That isn't true, Tony. I own both a PS3 and a 360, and since the same games come out for the 360 that come out for the PS3 PLUS GOOD exclusives, I barely play my PS3. I play it for Warhawk when I am 360'ed out. And that is rare. The problem is there aren't numerous exclusive games... games that I can't play and get ACHIEVMENTS on my 360.

So I believe you when you say are playing the PS3 a lot. We are probably a lot of the same games... well, maybe not any more since I am...

6194d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Here is my concern for Sony:

As stated by NUMEROUS Sony Fanboys, all of those people that are buying PS2's RIGHT NOW are planning on upgrading to the PS3. Why the PS3 from their new PS2's? Because the PS3 can play them and they can put away the PS2.

But with this revelation, those same people aren't going to be able to put away their PS2's. They might as well buy a Wii... or a 360... or a PC for that matter. All of these individuals who are investing heavil...

6195d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People whining about the changes to the sniper rifle is news? Really? I can tell you who is whining about this crap... those young children under the age of 16 who are used to owning with the sniper rifle and are having a hard time adjusting to something that requires a little more finesse. I know. I have heard them whine online.

And because some 10 year old, calling me a noob in the comfort of his own bedroom, is complaining, we get a news article? Wow... anything to di...

6196d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not only is it Half-Life 2 and Portal... but Episodes 1 and 2 and Team Fortress 2. If something is going to give me a break from Halo 3, it is this game.

6197d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can you take a quote like that out of context and make an article out of it? Imagine the actual interview:

Interview Guy: So, is the games division at Microsoft expecting to turn a profit this year?

Shane Kim: It's far too early to say what the financial return will be for our investment... If we can't make a profit in the year Halo 3 comes out, then when will we?

So when you look at it that way, he is just being modest and positive about his e...

6205d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And according to a forum post on (I got out my flashlight and followed their guide), I have the Falcon 65 nm. The best part is when you set down the Legendary Helmet next to the Halo 3 console, it looks pretty sweet. So I am glad that the console is that "fugly" color, as somebody put it, because I sure don't feel like taking the awesome Legendary edition and shoving it into a corner.

6205d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't I ignore you?! What is this? A duplicate account?

But I can see from your post why I ignored the OTHER account. What are you really trying to say? Too bad I will never see, because welcome to Ignorville... again.

6209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This story is so retarded that it SHOULDN'T be approved.

6210d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment